
Webflow Agency template

Hi! I am Vitali, a front-end developer at Digital Butlers. I share my ideas and knowledge on our blog. If you have any questions or feedback, do not hesitate to contact me by email🧑💻.

Vitali Makal
Article written by
Vitali Butler
July 31, 2024
Last update:
July 31, 2024
a group of three different webpages on a green background

Welcome to the cutting edge of web design! In today's digital landscape, the right template can make all the difference between a website that blends into the background and one that stands out as a beacon of professionalism and innovation. 

This article is tailored to businesses that are mostly related to real estate or lawyer agencies, and particularly in the context of website design and development. We will show various aspects of how to choose the right template, with the right functionality in this industry, based on practical tips.

Our biggest dream is to educate readers about the advantages of using Webflow Agency templates and how you can enhance your online presence effectively. Enthusiasts could also find it useful if they have a wish to start crafting and selling website models tailored to these businesses in the future but don’t know how to start.

– Take a look at the anchor links to see what today's write-up contains👇

– Let’s start with some statistics!

A bit of statistics about the real estate business in the US

Why focus on the real estate business in the US? Mostly, people buy templates on Webflow for this purpose. They want to launch their business rapidly and be online.

Another significant segment of Agency templates is everything related to notarial and lawyer agencies.

The real estate market reached $2.53 trillion in 2023, and experts forecast a huge growth for the nearest 10 years.

Still, being a real estate manager or booker in this country can be challenging. Thus, we predict some growth of job offers in the following decade but not so big, around 3%. But still, we can see that people are still in demand.

For sure, such cities like New York are booming and have recovered after COVID-19, which may increase demand for apartments and the real estate industry in the near decade.

a building with a fence and palm trees

We know many things about this business in the US, need help or a strategy for a successful launch? Contact us 🫴 Digital Butlers.

Choosing a Webflow agency template requires a technical base

Webflow has many templates, but how to choose the one that will give me everything I need? This section is going to be more practical. Are you ready?

• General look of an Agency template on Webflow

First of all, the Webflow agency template has to be creative. The appearance should attract and inspire confidence ✅. 

Choose the most comprehensible design because every user should feel comfortable while scrolling your website. It increases chances that you will have more clients. 

Animations should not overload the main concept and distract people from their goal. They should lead to action, but at the same time, your potential customer should not feel any pressure to take action.

 screenshot of the main page of the site on a black and green background

screenshot of the main page of the site on a black and green background

• Navigation

The navigation of the Webflow agency template should be convenient and understandable. A well-designed structure will give users easy access to key sections of your website, and they will understand what kind of service you provide.

“ Listen up, you click on something as simple as the “service” section, thinking you'll find what you need, but instead, they throw you into a maze where you have to click through twenty different sections just to get to the right one. It's infuriating! ”

A web designer 🎨  from Digital Butlers

Within these sections, it's beneficial to showcase detailed case studies or project portfolios. These should intricately outline the process of executing different projects, incorporating visuals like photos and videos, as well as stylized text elements. All of this fosters trust and your web world looks fresh and gorgeous 👍.

three different webpages on a gray background

• Marketing tools to improve your agency template

Having landing pages and marketing banners readily available on an agency's website template can show your experience and professionalism. 

Think about it: when potential clients land on your agency's homepage, they want to see more than just a generic overview. They want to be captivated, intrigued, and ultimately compelled to take action. A so-called pitch page and some marketing sections right into the heart of your agency's website should give a portion of your expertise and highlight specific services or products, and ultimately drive conversions.

• Text customization & Contact section

By the way, it's worth mentioning that all website models on Webflow are required to have text styling elements. This is a standard condition set by the web builder. 

Moreover, it's highly beneficial when these templates also include sections featuring the team. This positively impacts how the company is perceived because potential clients can see the human side of the business, fostering trust and credibility ✅. 

Additionally, having easily accessible contact information is great for user convenience.

Make your agency template even better

It's also awesome when there are clear contact details, making it convenient. And it's quite pleasant when there are those little extras, like a customized 404 page. Plus, having a privacy policy and terms of service that are easy to customize and tailor to your needs is a nice touch.

a site 404 webpage on a green background

Let’s sum the whole thing up 👇

Websites should be designed with clarity and efficiency in mind, not to confuse and frustrate users at every turn, and it serves as a roadmap, guiding visitors to relevant content and facilitating seamless exploration. Clear and intuitive navigation enhances the user experience and encourages prolonged engagement with your site.

Real examples of Agency templates on Webflow

Our team crafted some templates on Webflow. Check them here 👉 Templates by Digital Butlers

We're not here to pressure you into buying. Our aim is to showcase the overall look and emphasize the functionality we've integrated, using real-life examples to help you. 

Our customized website models, usually identified by keywords like “Agent”, “Ancy”, or “Homix” in their titles, are tailored to our specific topic.

a group of three main webpages on a green background

One more thing!

Always check not only the overall appearance, but also their descriptions and included features, especially if you're new to this. It'll help you pick what you truly need. It might not save you time, but it'll definitely save you money and ensure your satisfaction after the purchase 😀.

Ecommerce functionality and Agency template on Webflow?

This is a great opportunity to highlight the benefits of using Webflow agency templates. Try to imagine how having ecommerce functionality there makes the process of selling digital products or merchandise even more convenient and effective. 

It provides additional opportunities for monetizing your website and allows users to easily purchase your products or services directly through the site. It's also worth mentioning that most agency templates already include ecommerce functionality, making it accessible for use without unnecessary complexities.

Just one interesting insight 👉 Once upon a time, we had an employer whom we helped rebrand their website and added ecommerce functionality. 

The result? Conversions skyrocketed, and they were thrilled with the new features.

We applied the same strategy to our template featured in the previous section, where we integrated ecommerce functionality. 

The result? Increased sales activity. Admittedly, not everyone purchased the upgraded version, as it comes at a slightly higher price point. Here, we should balance between efficiency and fairness. Otherwise, considering the added value, is it worth the investment? The answer seems clear!

a group of screenshots of a website

In addition to choosing such templates, it's important to consider the following aspects:

User-friendly navigation 🤝: easy and intuitive. Customers will be able to easily find the products and services they're looking for.

Reviews and Ratings 🌟: customers will be able to read about other customers' experiences and make more informed purchasing decisions.

Secure payment methods 🔐: to know more about these mothers, we suggest you to read our article 👉 Payment gateway integrations on Webflow

Mobile compatibility 📱: your site is mobile-friendly, as many users prefer to shop through mobile devices because mostly people buy something using their phones or tablets. It’s convenient 👍! 

Promotions and Discounts %: include the ability to run promotions and offer discounts to stimulate purchasing activity and attract new customers.

Customer support 💁: offer quality customer support to quickly and effectively address any questions or issues that may arise.

The last thought and a tempting commercial offer ☺️

So, to wrap it up, there's actually a wide array of templates out there, on Webflow, but the most popular ones generally fall under the #design and #agency tags. This means you'll definitely find a template that suits your style. That's why it's important to prioritize the visual aspect. See how well it fits you and how easily you can tweak the style to make it your own. Pay attention to having all the necessary pages and blocks for your development needs!

– Got questions about templates or web development? 

Our team of 27 Digital Butlers is here to serve 💪! You should be a new hero of web development! 

Our name reflects our dedication to serving our employers. We serve their goals, much like Alfred serves Batman, which is why we use the term “employer” instead of “client”. Our expertise will definitely benefit both you and your developers!

Reach out to us anytime for expert assistance and let us be your digital concierge!

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Webflow tips
Webflow templates
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