
Webflow Landing Page template

Hello, I'm Paul, co-founder and Operations Manager at Digital Butlers. Feel free to share your feedback or ask any questions - email me anytime! 😊

Paul Panin
Article written by
Paul Butler
July 12, 2024
Last update:
July 12, 2024
three different types of web design on a blue background

Hi 🫡, we are  Digital Butlers. Today, we want to tell you about landing page templates that should be created or selected on Webflow, among thousands of options.

We have already published a helpful article about such pages on Webflow and how this web builder can assist you in optimizing your page and developing your marketing strategy. Click here to know more 👉 Webflow for landing pages.

This new article picks up where we left off, delving deeper into templates for such solutions and doubling down on marketing strategies 😎.

– Okay, enough with the intro. Let’s go to read!

The term “landing page” originated from the world of marketing and advertising, drawing its inspiration from the concept of “landing” 🛫 🛬 or arriving at a specific destination. Remember how the plane lands with the sound “whoooooosh”. The sound of greatness and a big machine. Let’s imagine it like this, and after reading this article, your clients/employers will land on your page with the same sound 🥹.  

– Take a look at the anchor links to see what today's write-up contains👇

In today's digital age, an effective online presence is indispensable for businesses and individuals alike. Whether you're launching a new product, promoting a service, or simply sharing your portfolio, a captivating webpage can make all the difference. With the rise of no-code platforms like Webflow, creating stunning websites has become more accessible than ever. 

What does the landing page do?

Many people choose such web solutions for its effectiveness and simplicity. It’s a standalone web page created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign. 

Traditionally, such pages were often single-page websites, containing all the necessary information and elements to persuade guests to take the desired action. Though, there are many websites which include some additional sections, and we still call them landing pages.  

Such panaceas are great for small businesses. It’s easy to craft such pages, especially on Webflow, or this web builder offers a wide range of ready-to-use templates that require a bit of customization, and you can publish it online. 

a collage of different webpages with different themes

Landing page as 👇

  • • A focus of attention

It directs arrivals' attention to a specific offer, product, or action, minimizing distractions and guiding them toward the desired outcome. Here, you have everything on a single page. 

  • • A great lead generator 

Such pages are often used to capture leads by encouraging visitors to provide their contact information in exchange for valuable content, such as an e-book, webinar, or free trial. Everything is written on one page, a visitor scrolls down quickly and already understands what’s going on and what is about. 

  • • A cool marketing assistant  

As we mentioned at the very beginning of this part, mostly people use such pages for their marketing effectiveness, allowing marketers to track metrics such as conversion rates, click-through rates, and return on investment (ROI). Everything makes it easier to calculate. By presenting a clear call-to-action (CTA), pages encourage visitors to take a specific action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a service, or downloading an app. These pages should be customized to target specific audience segments or address different stages of the buyer's journey, ensuring that the messaging resonates with the intended audience.

screenshot of three website pages

How can a Webflow landing template ease my life?

A Webflow landing page template is able to greatly ease your life and save your time. 

The first and most important thing is that you can buy, customize, and publish your new page without any code or IT expertise. There are plenty of videos on YouTube on how to prepare it in just 10 minutes. Moreover, on Webflow, every template comes with a comprehensive guide on how to use, customize, and publish it.

👍 However, if you implement some external code, you may make your webpage even better. 


Most people don’t use it for pitch pages because your page should be simple, easy to use, and not overloaded with heavy animations. As mentioned earlier, they are primarily for marketing and most of them are meant to be temperate.

With Webflow, you could easily modify the layout, colors, fonts, and content to align with your brand identity and campaign goals. This web builder provides an intuitive visual editor and drag-and-drop functionality.

Responsive design is your second most important thing, and Webflow allows you to create fully responsive and optimized pages for all devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. 

The web builder offers built-in integrations with popular marketing tools and platforms, such as email marketing services, analytics tools, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. This makes it easy to connect your pitch pages with your existing marketing stack and track performance metrics, such as conversion rates and ROI.

a screenshot of a computer screen with a black background

Save your time! With pre-designed layouts, elements, and styles that are optimized for conversion, you save time on design and development.

Landing page vs. Homepage

– It’s not the same, though there are some similar features. 

1. Landing pages have no navigation — Homepages do

On landing pages 🛫, you'll often notice fewer or even no navigation links or menus. The ones you see are made just for your convenience to scroll down quickly to the part you need. Usually people implement it when the page is quite long. 

Generally, the lack of bard and menus in design is aimed at reducing distractions, ensuring that visitors stay laser-focused on the main offer or call to action. 

Without the usual navigation, landing pages gently steer guests towards taking the desired action without offering other paths to wander off.   

Homepages 🏠 usually include navigation menus prominently displayed at the top or side of the page. These menus allow arrivals to navigate to different sections of the website/different and separate pages <hyperlinks>, such as product pages, services, about us, or contact information. Homepages serve as the gateway to the rest of the website, providing easy access to various content and resources.

2. Landing page traffic comes from ads — Homepage traffic comes from many sources

The primary source of traffic for landing pages 🛫 is often paid advertising campaigns, such as Google Ads, social media ads, or email marketing campaigns. Users arrive at the so-called welcome page by clicking on an ad specifically created to promote the offer or campaign being showcased on your page.

Homepage 🏠 traffic could come from a variety of sources, including organic search engine traffic, direct visits (where users type in the website URL), referral traffic from other websites, social media channels, email links, and more. ☝️Unlike landing pages, which are often tied to specific marketing campaigns, homepages serve as the central hub for all incoming traffic to the website.

 – So, pay attention to what you have on your homepage, as it is the most important part of your website.

3. Landing pages are separate from a business’ website — Homepages are the front page of a business’ website

Landing pages 🛫 are standalone web pages created for specific marketing campaigns or promotions. They are designed to complement and support the overall marketing objectives of the business, but are separate from the main website. Such things are often temporary and may be created for short-term promotions or targeted campaigns.

Your homepage 🏠 is the front page or main entry point of a business' website. It represents the overarching brand identity and serves as the starting point for visitors to explore the entire website. 

☝️Unlike “landing tricks”, which are focused on specific offers or actions, homepages provide a comprehensive overview of the business's products, services, and values.

4. Landing pages have a single goal — Homepages promote website browsing

Landing pages 🛫 are designed with a singular goal or call to action in mind. Whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a webinar, or downloading a resource, every element of the landing page is optimized to drive visitors towards that specific action.

While homepages 🏠 may include calls to action and encourage customers to explore further, their primary objective is to provide an overview of the business and its offerings. They promote website browsing by showcasing different products, services, or content sections and inviting users to browse deeper into the website's offerings.

a book with a design that's crazy good on it

Do I need a landing page (template)

We suggest you to think about it when 👇

• Marketing campaigns such as pay-per-click (PPC) ads, email marketing, or social media promotions to drive targeted traffic and convert visitors into leads or customers.

• When launching a new product or service to showcase its features, benefits, and pricing, and encourage guests to take action, such as making a purchase or signing up for updates.

• For events like webinars, workshops, or conferences, a pitch page can be used to provide event details, highlight speakers or topics, and facilitate registrations or RSVPs.

• Whether it's a limited-time sale, discount code, or special promotion to create a sense of urgency, and encourage visitors to take advantage of the deal.

• Many people use such solutions as a permanent website or as a landing page and homepage simultaneously.

Cross-approach practical example 👉 our main website Digital Butlers. We surely can assume that our homepage is more of a landing page than just a simple homepage. Other sections of our website are made to allow visitors to get to know us better. In fact, from this main page, you grasp everything: services, projects, rates, team, and other resources. This is a perfect example of how you could craft a webpage that automatically serves as your website.

Though, we are crafting a separate landing page for our marketing needs.

a black and green brochure with the words solar payouts on it

Where can I find templates for my landing page?

You can browse all landing page templates here 👉 Search results

The web builder allows you to browse by language, category, style, type, even features, style, and popular tags. 

We are Digital Butlers, and we also have our library of templates on Webflow for various needs. If you want to see them, just click here 👉 Templated by Digital Butlers.

a screenshot of a website template

The most important aspects while choosing a landing page template on Webflow?

Before your buy, check if you have all these features 👇 

Call-to-Action such as “Buy Now”, ”Sign Up Today”, or “Get Started”, clearly indicating what the user can expect by clicking on it.

Responsive design.

Attractive visuals and accessibility. All users (If you think of those with disabilities too perhaps), can access and navigate your landing page easily. Think of <alt> text for images, keyboard navigation, and clear contrast for text readability.

Sections for compelling headlines, persuasive descriptions, and persuasive testimonials or social proof.

Customization options (all templates on Webflow have it. It’s more about what elements are able to be changed ☝️).

Integration with marketing tools (email marketing services, analytics tools, and CRM systems).

Speed and Performance (especially when you’re a newbie in web development, and you don’t know how to optimize your page).

What should I do after purchasing a template on Webflow?

Well-designed welcome or pitch pages offer a streamlined and user-friendly experience, making it easy for visitors to find the information they need and take action quickly. When customizing one, pay attention to SEO optimization, so-called relevant keywords and analyze your  targeted audience interests because it improves search engine visibility and attracts organic traffic.

These single-pages typically include a headline, a brief explanation of the offer or product, persuasive copywriting, compelling visuals, and a prominent call-to-action button – all contained within a single scrollable page.

a web design for three sites

Final thought from Digital Butlers

Sometimes, creating a landing page has an option to be more challenging for a web developer or marketer than building a full website. These pages are primarily focused on marketing, requiring careful consideration of strategy. They are commonly used by small businesses, not only for temporary promotions, but also as their main website because it's sufficient for their needs. However, it should be underlined one more time for such pages that they need to be captivating and standout, as the popularity of theirs has increased significantly, leading to growing competition.

a group of people with different colored circles around them

– Got questions about marketing strategy or web development? 

Our team of 27 Digital Butlers is here to serve 💪! You can be a new hero of web development! 

Our name reflects our dedication to serving our employers. We serve their goals, much like Alfred serves Batman, which is why we use the term “employer” instead of “client”. Our expertise will definitely benefit both you and your developers!

Reach out to us anytime for expert assistance and let us be your digital concierge! 

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